I understand that the résumé and personal information I enter online will be used by the Nabors Companies for recruitment, hiring and employment purposes only. Furthermore, I acknowledge that my résuméand/or information may be accessed by the Nabors subsidiary, affiliate, or department that my application indicates as the entity for which I wish to work (hereinafter, "Nabors Areas"), so that my application may be evaluated or considered by appropriate personnel. I agree that Nabors may grant additional Nabors subsidiaries, affiliates, or departments access to my résumé or personal information to ascertain whether I am suitable for a particular job vacancy under certain circumstances, such as if my application does not clearly specify a particular Nabors Area. Nabors Companies or other Nabors entities or individuals who view my application materials may be situated in countries that offer levels of data protection that are different from the level applied in my home country. Those entities ‘and individuals’ will use this data for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice.
I understand that if I am offered a job or become employed by a particular entity in the Nabors Companies, the information I submit will be used for other employment-related purposes. These purposes include, but are not limited to: verifying past employment and/or education; checking references; confirming ability to legally work in a particular country; contacting me and/or my emergency contacts at home if necessary; setting/adjusting compensation, job duties and titles; administering benefits, including health insurance; processing health insurance applications and claims; administering stock options; administering 401(k); managing performance; and withholding and payment of applicable taxes.